Commit to Fit

What does being “fit” mean for you?

It seems that every time we turn on the TV or go online, we are encouraged to be “fit.”

We are constantly bombarded by advertisements, blogs and social media to persuade us to buy products, eat certain foods, and do specific exercises to stay fit. But is being fit the same for everyone? What does being fit actually mean for you, and how can you create a fitness plan that you can commit to long-term?

We are told that staying fit is one of the most important things you can do for your health, and experts say that no matter your age, stage of life, or physical abilities, everyone can benefit from being fit. However, everyone’s fitness level and goals are different.

For some top athletes, being fit may mean successfully competing in a triathlon. For others, personal fitness can be achieved by taking a brisk walk with your dog for several minutes throughout the day, eating a healthy diet, and getting enough rest.

No matter your current fitness level, being healthy should mean keeping up with your health screenings and check-ups. One way to track your fitness is to know your important health numbers like blood pressure, glucose levels, and suggested weight so that you can stay in the healthy range of these numbers.

That’s why it’s a good idea to talk to your healthcare provider to see how improving your fitness can benefit your overall health, and together discuss a plan for how you can reach your goals. Deciding what you think being fit and healthy means for you will help you stay motivated and on track to reach your goals.

Once this has been determined, it’s time to take action. Small changes are better than no changes, since you will be more likely to continue your fitness goals over the long term if you don’t bite off more than you can chew.

10 benefits of exercise

  1. Makes you feel better, mentally and physically
  2. Helps you think more clearly
  3. Can improve the quality of your sleep
  4. Reduces the risk of chronic diseases
  5. Better heart health
  6. More flexibility
  7. Less risk of falling as you age
  8. Stronger bones
  9. Maintain a healthy body weight
  10. Live longer

Here are some ideas:

  • Find a fitness buddy to help keep you both on track
  • Prepare most of your meals at home to control ingredients and portion sizes
  • Make an effort to get more rest to keep your body and mind healthy
  • Try to maintain a positive mindset to make your new fitness goals fun and something to look forward to each day

Did you know that people who are physically active for about 150 minutes a week have a 33% lower risk of death than those who are physically inactive?

If you are just beginning a fitness plan, stay motivated by thinking how good you will feel once you start to feel healthier and see results. Being fit should be fun!


Exercise Your Fitness Options

  • Move more and sit less
  • Some physical activity is better than none
  • Try to spread activity throughout the week
  • Create achievable goals
  • Mix up your routine
  • Exercise with friends
  • Find enjoyable ways to stay fit


DO ONE THING: Realize that fitness is defined differently by everyone, but you can receive immediate physical and mental benefits by committing to a fitness plan that works for you.

SHARED DECISION MAKING: Talk to your healthcare provider about what you can do to improve your fitness based on your individual health goals.